
Contact Us

The corporate governance information presented on this website is intended to help investors understand Luna Innovations’ governance practices. Our corporate governance practices are consistent with applicable legal and listing requirements and are designed to ensure the highest standards of ethical behavior. We believe that sound principles of corporate governance are essential to Luna Innovations’ long-term success and to securing the confidence of our investors, employees and business partners.

Corporate Governance Contact Information:

To contact our Board of Directors or one of its committees, please e-mail our Corporate Secretary at governance@lunainc.com. Our Corporate Secretary will ensure that e-mails are brought to the attention of the appropriate director or committee of our Board of Directors. Concerns or complaints about Luna Innovations’ accounting, internal accounting controls or audit-related matters may be submitted anonymously and confidentially to the Audit Committee of our Board of Directors via the Luna Innovations Corporate Governance Hotline at 1.800.503.1833 or using the following secure link.

You may also use the Luna Innovations Corporate Governance Hotline to report concerns or complaints about Luna Innovations’ business conduct or ethics to the Nominating and Governance Committee of our Board of Directors.

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